Sunday, March 28, 2010

Shopping Part 1

Summer is almost here, and despite how much clothes we have left over from the previous summer, no matter how much clothes we may have bought during the off season sales, we shopaholics and budget divas have some need to shop for even more clothes. So here is when you make seasonal shopping a series. Instead of going on a HUGE shopping spree, blowing all your cash and maxing out your credit cards, span it out over a few weeks.


First go through your closet. This is just to see what you have, what you need, and what you need. Remember wanting and needing are two different things. All the clothes you dont want anymore, set aside. You'll go through them later.


Make a list of everything you just set aside. (ie. 2 pair of shoes, 1 pair of shoes, 5 shorts, etc) After you've made your list, figure how much it will cost to buy all the items on your list. If you're anything like me, you'll know the average amount you spend on jeans, shirts etc. (ie. 1 pair of jeans cost about $30-$35, if you need three pair average the price out to be about $90) If you can't come up with an average, try going online and checking out the average prices for items at your favorite stores. But DONT I repeat DONT buy anything yet! It'll be hard, but you can do it.


So now you have your list compiled, and you know how much it'll cost to start your new wardrobe. What to do next? Take a look at the calendar. Lets say you get paid every two weeks. After paying all your bills etc. You have $100 left over to spend. You may be tempted to go out and spend all of it on your new clothes. But then you'll probably get shopper remorse. Instead set aside a couple bucks to but a few items on your list.

STEP FOUR- Shopping!!!!

So its shopping time, you've set aside $50 to buy a few items on your list. Do not take all of your money with you. You'll be tempted to spend it. And only buy the items on your list. If there is any money left over from your one day of shopping, dont spend it, you'll do something fun with it later.
Repeat until you've crossed off everything on your list.

Now that you got everything you need, take the clothes you set aside and take it to a consignment shop. You'll get money for it, if its in good condition. Add that from the left over change from your shopping trips. Now go out and treat yourself to something really nice!

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